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Including Friends in Your Wedding

Whether your officiant is a friend or not, it’s likely that you have many dear ones who would like to be involved in your special day.  After all, they have watched the two of you move from interest to affection to love to the Big Day when you join your lives together in marriage. 


It can be stressful to consider who gets to be part of the big day and how.  Leaving an important person out of the excitement can cause hurt feelings – the last thing you want on your wedding day. Luckily, there are many ways to honor the special people who wish to be more than a guest on this most important day.

Your wedding party can include as many members as you like.  You may want to consider their cost for wedding finery, unless you are covering it.  You can make it easier by offering, for example, several options at different price points so that your attendants can choose an affordable option without looking out of place in the photos. 


Consider having not only ushers to show people to their seats but greeters to welcome the guests and answer questions.  Giving them corsages or boutonnieres to show their ‘official’ standing is a nice touch.



In the past, the best man normally took charge of the rings, but you can choose anyone to take that job.  If you do a ring ceremony and pass the rings through the guests for loving touches, a friend or two can take the responsibility of seeing the rings on their journey through the guests and back to him or her.


During the ceremony, friends may read a meaningful verse or passage.  If one of your dear ones is a talented singer, comfortable with performing before crowds, you could invite them to sing during the service or as you process in or out.


Wedding documents for the government require two witnesses, but you can have as many signatures on your own wedding certificate.  Friends can be asked to sign the certificate to honor your relationship.


If you choose to include readers, singers, or musicians in the ceremony, you might consider having programs for the guests.  Yet another loved one could be tasked with making sure everyone gets a program.


Outdoor weddings can be stifling in warm months.  A folding fan would be a welcome on those steamy days, and a loved one could be in charge of distributing them to guests. 


Are your guests going to toss flower petals or blow bubbles as you depart?  Let a friend hand out the bags of petals or bottles of solution. 


At the conclusion of the ceremony, the officiant will pronounce you married.  A friend, however, can introduce you to the guests for the first time as a married couple or offer a blessing. 


The reception offers many ways for friends and dear ones to take part.  The DJ or leader of the musicians may announce your entrance to the reception, but it could be a friend who has that honor.  If you will enter through a door or doors, a friend can open them to invite you into the reception. 


Friends can, of course, offer toasts. A trusted friend can serve as MC and introduce those making the toasts.


Couples usually enter the reception and go right to the first dance.  After the toasts and/or meal, however, you can signal the dancing by returning to the dance floor. 


At that point, each of you can be escorted from the head table to the floor by a second couple who then dance together as an invitation to guests to begin dancing.

This is your wedding, so you get to make choices that please you.  If you have more friends than duties, brainstorm a new duty just for them.  However many people you include, do be sure to take a photo with them to remember the day and their role in it.  If you can, a small remembrance or thank-you gift is the perfect finishing touch.


Written by Staff

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